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25 Must-know Korean Words for the Kitchen!! Part.1 [Korean Words Master 07]

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Hi guys. Welcome back to the new episode of Korean words master!
In this video, you're going to see various kitchen objects and learn how to pronounce them in Korean!


[Words in This Video]
1. Spoon = 숟가락
2. Fork = 포크
3. Chopsticks = 젓가락
4. Plate = 접시
5. Bowl = 그릇, 통, 볼
6. Container = 용기, 락앤락(통)
7. Knife = 칼
8. Cutting board = 도마
9. Tongs = 집게
10. Cup = 컵
11. Mug = 머그컵(잔)
12. Measuring cup = 계량컵
13. Glass = 유리잔
14. Wine glass = 와인잔 (와인글라스)
15. Kettle = 주전자
16. Pot = 냄비
17. Trivet = 냄비받침
18. Frying pan = 프라이팬
19. Colander = 체
20. Whisk = 거품기
21. Spatular = 뒤집개
22. Ladle = 국자
23. Scissors = 가위
24. Rice paddle = 주걱
25. Bottle opener = 병따개

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