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Construction of Soyang River Dam, Asan Chung Ju-yung showed determination out of common thinking

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In 1970 at the dawn of heavy industry, Asan decided to go into shipbuilding industry.

In spite of skepticism that the time is not yet ripe for large scale shipbuilding business, in 1972 he began to construct Hyundai dockyard, proceeding with dockyard construction and shipbuilding at the same time, which was one and only case in the world’s history of shipbuilding.

Whenever there were difficulties, Asan Chung Ju-yung always solved issues with new ideas. Let’s see driving force and will to achieve goals of businessman Asan Chung Ju-yung who led his life always pursuing something ‘larger.’

1970년, 중공업 여명기에 조선업 진출을 결정한 아산.

대규모 조선사업은 시기상조라는 회의론에도 불구하고 반드시 해내겠다는 굳은 열망으로 1972년, 현대조선소를 착공해 세계 조선사에 유일무이하게 조선소 건설과 선박 건조를 동시에 진행하게 됩니다.

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아산 정주영.

항상 ‘보다 큰 일’을 추구하며 살아온 기업인 아산 정주영의 추진력과 목표달성을 향한 의지를 만나봅니다.
자동차 - Car
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