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Expo Milano 2015 - Unravel Travel TV

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Expo Milano 2015 (1 May - 31 October 2015) is a non-commercial Universal Exposition (not a trade fair) organized by the nation which wins the candidature, with other countries participating through the diplomatic channels of the hosting nation.

The first Expo was held in London in 1851 and was such a success that other nations were encouraged to organize similar events like the Paris Expo in 1889 for which the Eiffel Tower was designed and built.

Each Expo has a universal theme and is held in an area which has been masterminded as a place of exchange and encounter to promote a unique experience for participants and visitors who discover and experiment with the theme. More than displaying major technological novelties the Expo's role is oriented towards interpreting the collective challenges to which mankind is asked to respond.

The international organization which regulates the frequency, quality and progress of the event is the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) set up under an international convention which was signed in Paris in 1928. Currently some 157 nations are BIE members.

On show at Expo 2015: the great issues of sustainable development. Expo 2015 will be an extraordinary universal event displaying tradition, creativity and innovation in the business of food. It will bring together many themes that have already been handled by this event in the past, and set them out anew in light of new global possibilities whose common core is the idea that everyone on the planet should have access to food that is healthy, safe and sufficient.

Expo 2015: the frontiers of science and technology: the preservation of biodiversity, protecting the environment as agriculture's ecosystem, safeguarding food quality, safety, and reliability, and educating people in nutrition for health and personal well-being.

Expo 2015: a world of opportunities for promotion and communication. Expo 2015 offers a great communication and promotion venue for primary producing communities, farmers, food firms, the logistics and distribution chain, the restaurant and catering industry, research centres, and any company seeking to make the most of innovation and production technologies that generate a healthy food product.

Expo Milano 2015 http://www.expo2015.org

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