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From Shelter to Home:Times Change, Places Change, Homes Remain

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Times Change – Public Housing Design in Evolution
Various types of public housing reflect the change of times. From resettlement blocks to different architectural design, including landmarks such as “H” shape blocks, twin towers, trident and harmony blocks, has been adopted taking into account people’s livelihood needs, with a view to resolving the housing problems and improving residents’ quality of life.

Places Change – Public Housing Development in New Towns
With the growing population in Hong Kong in the 1970s’, and the shortage of land available for development in urban area, a large amount of building land was required for alleviating the housing problems. At that time, the Government implemented the Ten-year Housing Programme for the development of new towns.
Sha Tin District is one of the first generation new town development areas. With comprehensive ancillary transport facilities and formation of land by reclamation along Shing Mun River, it had more development edges. The first public housing estate in Sha Tin District – Lek Yuen Estate was completed in 1976. With the rapid development of housing estates in the District, a complementary livelihood network was formed, giving the fullest play to the community connection edge, and laying a foundation for the synergy effect of public housing and community development.
With the gradually saturated development on both sides of Shing Mun River, alternative development sites had to be identified. The former Assistant Director of Housing, Mr. KONG Churk-fan, Joseph, perfectly combined housing construction with the geographical location, and developed the unique Kwong Yuen Estate on the hillside, which was an exemplary model for site-specific construction.

Homes Remain – Continue Pursuance for Ideal Homes
In 2017, the Government promulgated the planning report of Hong Kong 2030+ to establish a framework for the overall spatial planning, land and infrastructural development of Hong Kong, so as to alleviate the housing problem. The Northern Metropolis is the major development project. New area development is a great challenge, and the Government aims at enhancing the speed, quantity, efficiency and quality in terms of public housing construction, so as to enhance the well-being of residents, and continue to build ideal homes for the public.
문화 - Culture
Homes Remain, Hong Kong 2030+, Places Change
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