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How to say "as soon as I arrive" in Korean? ㅣ - 자 마자 [Easy Korean Patterns 15]

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Have you ever heard of '-자 마자' in Korean sentence? What does it mean?

Well if you watch this video, a new episode of Easy Korean Patterns series, you're going to not only understand its meaning but also be able to make a lot of sentences using 자 마자.

Actually 자 마자 means “as soon as“ in Korean language. If you use this phrase, you’re going to indicate that an action occurs “as soon as” another action does :)

And all you need to do is just to put - 자 마자 right behind a verb stem.

So let’s find out how to make sentences using ‘-자 마자’ through this video!


[Example Sentences In This Video]

1) 저는 아침에 일어나자마자 삼십 분씩 운동을 해요.
= I exercise for 30 minutes as soon as I get up in the morning.

2) 대학교를 졸업하자마자 좋은 회사에 취직을 하고 싶어요.
=I want to get a job in a good company as soon as I graduate from college.

3 )어제 너무 피곤해서 침대에 눕자마자 잠이 들었어요.
= I was very tired yesterday, so I fell asleep as soon as I lay in bed.

4) 도착하자마자 전화할게요.
= I will call you as soon as I arrive

5) 제 동생은 집에 오자마자 항상 컴퓨터부터 켜요.
=My sister(or brother) always turns on the computer first as soon as she(or he) comes home.


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