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New Year Song.zip ???? Show! Music Core New Year's Song Special Compilation

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????M:drive edition

00:00 KARA - STEP 130817
03:05 Block B - JACKPOT 140719
06:19 EXO - Louder 160820
09:33 Red Velvet - 행복 (Happiness) 140913
12:37 Day6 - 한 페이지가 될 수 있게 190803
16:00 TWICE - CHEER UP 161224
18:07 WJSN - 이루리 191123
21:26 NCT DREAM - Hello Future 210703
25:12 PENTAGON- 빛나리 180407
28:31 ONF - Beautiful Beautiful 210320
31:43 Stray Kids - 승전가 190330
33:20 ATEEZ - Eternal Sunshine 211009
36:53 KEY - Good & Great 230923
40:18 ITZY - WANNABE 200314
43:33 Second Aunt Kim DaVi - 오르자 210515
46:41 STAYC - SO WHAT 210508
49:42 aespa - Dreams Come True 220108
53:11 IVE - I AM 230415
56:27 Kep1er - Up! 220702
59:44 YENA - SMILEY 220122

#음악중심 #Mdrive_edition #MBCKPOP

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쇼음악중심, 음악중심, 쇼!음악중심
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