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Power Up Your English with Michelle Episode 37

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Hi everyone and welcome back to ‘Power Up Your English’! I’m your host, Michelle, and I’ll be giving you tips and talking through ways to get YOU to excel your English.

In today’s episode, we’re going to look at idioms, with a specific focus Food and Drink Idioms.
We’ll be exploring first of all what an idiom is, then break down food and drink idioms, and then finally see how we can use them in everyday conversation!

Now, why focus on food and drink idioms you say? Well……wellll….well…….., food and drink are a great start as a lot of them are quite commonly used and can be more relevant to use since it’s a part of our everyday lives.

So let’s take a look!

In the Common Room
Weekdays 5pm
RTHK Radio 3
Hosted by @alysonhau
문화 - Culture
English Learning, Idioms, In the Common Room
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