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Submit your Silly Dance at 'sohyun.one'!

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???????? "막춤" in English translates to "random dance" or "silly dance."
It typically refers to a type of spontaneous, unstructured dancing where the dancer is not following any specific rhythm or pattern.
The term is often used in a playful or humorous context, and can be seen in videos or performances where someone is just having fun and dancing without concern for technique or coordination.

"막춤"은 영어로 "random dance"나 "Silly dance"처럼 해석될 수 있다.
이건 특정한 리듬이나 패턴 없이, 그냥 기분대로 춤을 추는 걸 뜻한다.
보통은 유머러스하거나 장난스러운 상황에서 쓰이고, 누군가가 춤을 반드시 잘 추려고 하는 게 아니라,
그냥 즐기면서 아무 생각 없이 추는 모습에서 자주 볼 수 있다.

???? When we dance, we are free of worries, concerns, fears!
And it makes us instantly feel better.
Let's change the world one silly dance at a time!
Submit your silly dance at
문화 - Culture
Learnkorean, koreanlessons, koreanphrases
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