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TAXIㅣ17 Korean Words & Phrases Related To Riding Taxis

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Hello my lovely MINJIONS!
In this video, you can learn 17 Korean words and phrases for riding taxis! They are going to be very come in handy so I hope you guys like this video :)

Then, enjoy!

[Words & Phrases In This Video]

1. 택시를 부르다 : To call a taxi
2. 택시를 타다 : To take a taxi
3. 택시를 기다리다 : To wait for a taxi
4. (noun) + 로 / 으로 가 주세요 : Take me to the (noun), please
5. 택시 요금 : Taxi fare
6. 택시 기사 : Taxi driver
7. 기사님 : Driver (Polite way)
8. 혹시 얼마나 걸려요? : How long does it take?
9. 저기 앞에서 내릴게요. : I'll get off over there.
10. 여기서 세워 주세요. : Pull over here, please.
11. 카드로 계산할게요. : I'll pay by credit card.
(현금으로 계산할게요. : I'll pay in cash.)
12. 택시에서 내리다 : To get out of a taxi
13. 조금만 빨리 가 주세요 : Step on it, please.
14. 저기서 좌회전 해 주세요. : Turn left over there, please.
15. 저기서 우회전 해 주세요. : Turn right over there, please.
16. 저기 앞에 횡단보도에서 세워 주세요. Pull over at the crosswalk over there, please.
17. 00 사거리에서 세워 주세요. : Pull over at the 00 intersection, please.


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