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WONDER LIVE Ep. 1: 1theK Hiphop Fest. In Busan_Kisum(키썸)_Microdot(마이크로닷)_Kye Bum Zu_Superbee [SUB]

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WONDER LIVE Ep. 1: 1theK Hiphop Fest. In Busan_Kisum(키썸)_Microdot(마이크로닷)_Kye Bum Zu_Superbee [ENG/JPN/CHN SUB]
*English, Japanese, and Chinese subtitles are now available. :D
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(CCボタンをクリック、それとも'Interactive Transcript' 機能を活性化して下さい)
WONDER LIVE: 1theK Hiphop Fest. filling Busan with high fever!!
The forthright talk about the prejudice that we could not talk anywhere so far and the fantastic stage filled with emotions and passions made by Microdot, Superbee, Kye Bum Zu, and Kisum!
Check it out now~
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釜山を熱い熱気で満たしたWonder Live:1thek HIPHOP Fest.2015!!
在釜山注入“热气活力”的WONDER LIVE: 1theK 嘻哈Fest!!
Microdot、Superbee、Kye Bum Zu、Kisum做出来
부산을 뜨거운 열기로 가득 채운 Wonder Live : 1thek HIPHOP Fest. 2015!!
그동안 어디에서도 말하지 못했던 편견에 대한 솔직 담백한 토크와
마이크로닷, 슈퍼비, 계범주, 키썸이 만들어내는
감성 충만, 열정 충만한 그 화려한 무대! 지금 확인하세요~
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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