數千年來,有多少朝代耗盡國力心血,去建成一座座跨越前人的偉大建築,它們原仍可一一雄偉挺立,作為歷史的見證,但又因何故最終一一消失傾塌?當中的興衰與傳奇,又有幾多故事和不為人知的秘密? 一連十六集的大型系列紀錄片《消失的建築》,帶領觀眾深入瀏覽這些已經不再存在的歷代地標,包括秦代的咸陽宮、唐代的大明宮和華清宮、現在只知是杭州的宋臨安城、雷峰塔等。歷代建築巨構,重現眼前。
For thousands of years, for dynasties, people utilised much statewide resources and enormous efforts to build ever leaping extraordinary buildings. They've been standing for centuries as the evidence of history, but why are they disappearing? How many unknown secrets are there behind the fluctuation of history and legend? The 16-episode series "Disappeared Construction" brings you to see the disappeared landmarks, from Qin's Xianyang Gong, Tang's Daming Palace, Huaqing Palace, and go to Hangzhou to see the mysterious Song's Lin'an City and Pagoda, and see how the grand creatures back alive from disappearance in history.
For thousands of years, for dynasties, people utilised much statewide resources and enormous efforts to build ever leaping extraordinary buildings. They've been standing for centuries as the evidence of history, but why are they disappearing? How many unknown secrets are there behind the fluctuation of history and legend? The 16-episode series "Disappeared Construction" brings you to see the disappeared landmarks, from Qin's Xianyang Gong, Tang's Daming Palace, Huaqing Palace, and go to Hangzhou to see the mysterious Song's Lin'an City and Pagoda, and see how the grand creatures back alive from disappearance in history.
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- 예술 - Art
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