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놀플라워 (Nollflower) - Icarus MV

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놀플라워 (Nollflower) - Icarus MV

[앨범 소개]
본인들만의 색깔로 다양한 장르를 개척해 나가는 인디밴드 놀플라워가 로칼하이레코즈를 통해 두번째 EP 앨범 [Take me higher]을 발매했다.

놀플라워의 두 번째 EP앨범 [Take me higher] 은 2019년 첫 EP ‘소년기’ 이후 5년간 변화해 온 밴드의 사운드를 정리한 앨범이다.

‘오리엔탈 모던록’에서 ‘오리엔탈 얼터너티브’로 변경된 슬로건처럼 특정 한 장르에 얽매이지 않고 다양한 시도를 거듭해 온 밴드의 행보가 앨범에 고스란히 담겨있다.

프랑스의 거장 앙리마티스의 작품 ‘Icarus’를 오마주한 커버 이미지와 동명의 타이틀곡은 더 높은 곳을 향한, 그리고 자신들만의 사운드를 찾아가기 위해 절대 포기하지 않는 밴드의 열망을 담아내었다.

포기 또한 하나의 선택이 되어버린 세상에서 절대 양보할 수 없는 꿈을 품고, 그 꿈을 위해 살아가는 모든 사람에게 이 앨범을 바친다.

Executive Produced by NO(Y)B
Produced by JMG Publishing

[Track 1] Icarus
Lyrics by Lee Cheongrok
Composed by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Ahn Jungjun
Arranged by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Ahn Jungjun

Vocal by Lee Cheongrok
Chorus by Lee Cheongrok
Ajaeng by Park Youngshin
Bass by Jeong Chulwoo
Drum by Lim Jeongmin
Guitar by Park Hanbeom
Synthesizer, Keyboard by Ahn Jungjun
Midi Programming by Ahn Jungjun

[Track 2] 야경
Lyrics by Lee Cheongrok
Composed by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Song Eunsuk
Arranged by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Song Eunsuk

Vocal by Lee Cheongrok
Chorus by Lee Cheongrok
Ajaeng by Park Youngshin
Bass by Jeong Chulwoo
Drum by Lim Jeongmin
Guitar by Song Eunsuk
Keyboard by Song Eunsuk

[Track 3] Paradise
Lyrics by Lee Cheongrok
Composed by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin
Arranged by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin

Vocal by Lee Cheongrok
Chorus by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Lim Jeongmin
Ajaeng by Park Youngshin
Bass by Jeong Chulwoo
Drum by Lim Jeongmin
Percussion by Lim Jeongmin
Guitar by Lee Cheongrok
Keyboard by Lee Cheongrok

[Track 4] Perfectly
Lyrics by Lee Cheongrok
Composed by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Sun Jinhyeok
Arranged by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Sun Jinhyeok

Vocal by Lee Cheongrok
Chorus by Lee Cheongrok
Ajaeng by Park Youngshin
Bass by Jeong chulwoo
Drum by Lim Jeongmin
Guitar by Sun Jinhyeok
Keyboard by Sun Jinhyeok

[track 5] Night bird
Lyrics by Lee Cheongrok
Composed by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Sun Jinhyeok
Arranged by Lee Cheongrok, Park Youngshin, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin, Sun Jinhyeok, Kang Hyein

Vocal by Lee Cheongrok
Chorus by Lee Cheongrok, Jeong Chulwoo, Lim Jeongmin
Ajaeng by Park Youngshin
Bass by Jeong Chulwoo
Drum by Lim Jeongmin
Guitar by Sun Jinhyeok
Keyboard by Kang Hyein

Original Publisher @JMG Publishing

#놀플라워 #Nollflower #Icarus
환대 - Entertainment
K-CULTURE, korean Music, MV
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