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[예능연구소 4K] 라잇썸 히나 직캠 'VIVACE' (LIGHTSUM HINA FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 원호 세로캠 'Come Over Tonight' (Vertical ver.) (WONHO FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 에스파 카리나 직캠 'Savage' (aespa KARINA FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 영재 직캠 'Vibin' (YOUNGJAE FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 영재 세로캠 'Vibin' (Vertical ver.) (YOUNGJAE FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 에스파 닝닝 직캠 'Savage' (aespa NINGNING FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 있지 유나 직캠 'SWIPE' (ITZY YUNA FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 트라이비 직캠 '우주로(WOULD YOU RUN' (TRI.BE FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 에스파 윈터 직캠 'Savage' (aespa WINTER FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 동해 직캠 'California Love' (DONGHAE FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 조유리 직캠 'GLASSY' (JOYURI FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 있지 직캠 'SWIPE' (ITZY FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 있지 리아 직캠 'SWIPE' (ITZY LIA FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 조승연 직캠 'WAITING' (WOODZ FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 라잇썸 나영 직캠 'VIVACE' (LIGHTSUM NAYOUNG FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 조유리 세로캠 'GLASSY' (Vertical ver.) (JOYURI FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 에스파 직캠 'Savage' (aespa FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 있지 예지 직캠 'SWIPE' (ITZY YEJI FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[쇼! 음악중심 미방분] 10월 3주차 1위 앵콜 무대! 에스파 - 세비지 (aespa - Savage), MBC 211016 방송
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[예능연구소 4K] 원호 직캠 'Come Over Tonight' (WONHO FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 라잇썸 직캠 'VIVACE' (LIGHTSUM FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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[예능연구소 4K] 에스파 지젤 직캠 'Savage' (aespa GISELLE FanCam) @Show!MusicCore 211016
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