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윤현상(YOONHYUNSANG) Single Album [파랑:WAVE] 'Pre-listening'

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윤현상(YOONHYUNSANG) Single Album [파랑:WAVE] 'Pre-listening'
Hello! this is 1theK.
As you've noticed, we've been working on the English subtitles for our MVs and Originals.
But sometimes it is difficult to prepare subs on time.
Sorry to announce this. T-T
The subtitles for this clip will be uploaded within a few hours.
It would be great if you comeback in a few hours and watch it again!
We always thank you for your comments and advices.
(Yes, we actually read most of your comments)
All the best,
Pre-listen to the single album, [파랑:WAVE]!
YOON HYUN SANG's new album [파랑:WAVE] is full of "waves" of stories about love, loss, and life.

Listen to "I Hope It's You", a song about love...
"Drunk : 20 Blues" about life of a twenty-year-old...
and "To Forget", a title song about the pain of saying goodbye!

Singer songwriter YOON HYUN SANG's second musical journey!
Enjoy it LIVE on his beautiful piano, right here on Pre-listening!
싱글앨범 [파랑:WAVE] 미리듣기!
'사랑 이별, 그리고 인생' 다양한 테마의 이야기들을 파도와 물결의 넘실거림으로 표현해 낸 윤현상의 새 앨범 [파랑:WAVE]
가슴 벅찬 '사랑'의 감정을 담아낸 '너이고 싶어',
20살이 노래하는 '인생'에 대한 이야기 '술기운 : 20 Blues' 그리고
'이별'의 아픔을 노래하는 타이틀곡 '잊는다는 게'
두 번째 음악 여정을 시작하는 싱어송라이터 윤현상의 싱글앨범을
아름다운 피아노 선율과 함께 하는 라이브로 먼저 만나보세요!
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