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Angel's Revenge | 天上女子 | 천상여자 - Ep.96 (2014.06.04)

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Ep. 96: Chairman Gong is shocked to discover that Julia Kim is the daughter of her former employer. After checking to see that Kang Hyeonsu isn't in a state to talk, Taejeong tries to become L Food's chairman quickly by persuading the shareholders to hold a temporary meeting. Meanwhile, Chairman Gong, fearing losing Jiseok, gathers up the courage to meet Julia Kim. / 孔会长知道了茱莉亚•金就是自己侍奉的主人家的小姐很受打击 泰政确认姜贤秀不能说话,他为了尽快当上会长,去见L食品的股东,并说服他们召开临时股东大会。 另一边,即使害怕失去智硕,孔会长还是鼓起勇气去见茱莉亚•金......

'Angel's Revenge' Telecasting Time: Mon~Fri 09:30 | Mon~Fri 16:20 | Tue-Sat 02:25 (Seoul,UTC+9) with English & Chinese subtitle on KBS World TV.
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