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Anni Albers Touching Vision, The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao - Unravel Travel TV

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The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is pleased to present Anni Albers: Touching Vision, an in-depth survey of seven decades in the career of a pioneering figure in the field of Fiber Art. Organized in collaboration with The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, the show provides a chronological overview of Albers’s oeuvre while also revealing the connections between different periods and series, highlighting recurrent motifs and flashing ideas. Also emphasized are the compelling ways in which a deep insight of materials and techniques preceded visual development in many instances of Albers’s work.
Dates: October 6, 2017–January 14, 2018. Curated by Manuel Cirauqui.

Best known for her pioneering role in the field of textile or fiber art, her innovative treatment of warp and weft, and her constant quest for new patterns and uses of fabric, Anni Albers (b. 1899, Berlin; d. 1994, Orange, CT) was instrumental in redefining the artist as a designer. Her art was inspired by pre-Columbian folklore and modern industry, yet unhampered by conventional notions of craftsmanship and gender-specific labor. Albers studied at the Bauhaus in Weimar, where she met her husband, the painter Josef Albers, and eventually directed the weaving workshop in 1931. After the institution was closed by the Nazi party in 1933, Albers and her husband moved to North Carolina, where they were both hired to teach at a free-form school that would become a benchmark of modern American art, Black Mountain College. There Anni Albers continued to combine her educational activity with artistic experimentation, while also authoring what are now considered seminal texts in the history of contemporary textile art. The exhibition Anni Albers: Touching Vision is an in-depth survey of her most important series between 1925 and the late 1970s. The formal associations between works and series produced over the years will reveal affinities and unifying threads that illustrate the influence and continued relevance of this unique artist’s ideas.

El Museo Guggenheim Bilbao presenta la exposición Anni Albers: tocar la vista, un recorrido detallado por la obra de una figura pionera del arte textil, a lo largo de siete décadas. Realizada en colaboración con la Fundación Josef y Anni Albers, el itinerario de la muestra constituye una aproximación cronológica a la obra de Albers, a la vez que permite observar las conexiones entre periodos y series de trabajos diversos, dando cuenta de motivos e ideas recurrentes y realizaciones fugaces. La muestra refleja asimismo cómo, en el caso de esta artista, el material y las técnicas de trabajo preceden y guían a la idea y definen un desarrollo en cada caso. Fechas: del 6 octubre de 2017 al 14 de enero de 2018. Comisario: Manuel Cirauqui.

Le Musée Guggenheim Bilbao présente Anni Albers : toucher la vue, un parcours détaillé de la carrière d’une figure pionnière de l’art textile qui s’est prolongée sur sept décennies. Bâti en collaboration avec la Fondation Josef et Anni Albers, l’itinéraire de l’exposition constitue une approche chronologique du travail d’Albers, qui pointe les connexions entre périodes et séries de travaux, ainsi que les motifs et les idées récurrents de même que les réalisations fugaces. Par ailleurs, l’exposition montre comment, pour cette artiste, le matériau et les techniques de travail précèdent et guident l’idée en définissant un développement propre à chaque cas. Dates : du 6 octobre 2017 au 14 janvier 2018. Commissaire : Manuel Cirauqui.

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