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[Arirang Special] MINZY (공민지) - Superwoman (수퍼우먼) | 2021 K-Healing On Festival

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The Korean Culture and Information Service is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The 2021 K-Healing On Festival is sponsored by the Korean Culture and Information Service and hosted by ArirangTV. This festival is one where we introduce the global PR ambassadors of Korea and express our gratitude to their efforts in promoting Korea.

The Korea PR ambassadors are experts in promoting our country, and they are active as honorary reporters and K-Influencers. They come from different nationalities, occupations, age, and cultural backgrounds, but all of them have one similarity. It is their love for Korea and Korean culture. Hallyu, the Korean wave is affecting all corners of the world, thanks to their hard work.

Now today, our Hallyu festival is held with Korea's PR ambassadors and Hallyu fans all around the world.
React to Hallyu, the Korean Wave!

안녕하세요. 여러분,
[2021 한류큰찬지, K-Healing On Festival]에 오신걸 환영합니다.
올해로 50주년을 맞은 해외문화홍보원이 주최하고 아리랑국제방송이 주관하는 [2021 한류큰잔치, K-Healing On Festival]은 세계 각국에서 활동하는 ‘한국 홍보 전문가’를 소개하고, 이들의 활약상에 감사를 표하고 포상하는 자립니다.

‘명예기자단, 케이인플루언서’ 이름으로 활동하는 ‘한국 홍보 전문가’들은 국적과 직업, 연령, 문화적 배경은 다르지만, 한국을 좋아하고 한국 문화를 사랑한다는 공통점을 갖고 있는데요. 전 세계의 뜨거운 한류는 바로, 이들의 큰 활약 덕분 아닌가 합니다.

오늘 이 시간, 한류큰잔치 한국 홍보 전문가들과 전 세계 한류 팬들과 함께합니다.
한류에 반응하라!

#MINZY #Superwoman #Hallyu_festival

???? PLYCAM(FanCam) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9yYI1vDKIPSUZKe9Sv4EdbHO8A9bXpBK
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???? K-ROUND (Twitter): https://twitter.com/PLAY_K_ROUND
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???? ROLLING (Twitter) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF7X2COltpbPqWWNxW5cZRw
???? ARIRANG K-POP 2 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GdQv7o_fJeiNntjsKeY6g
???? ARIRANG K-POP (TikTok) : https://www.tiktok.com/@arirang_kpop
표시 대화 - Talk Show
2021 한류큰잔치, 해외문화홍보원, 아리랑국제방송
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