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Boyfriend Summer Vacation Event - Chapter1

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[Boyfriend Summer Vacation Event.2 - Chapter1]

BOYFRIEND members answered your questions!!
Thank you so much for your participations in the event, Bestfriends!

Stay tuned for the next episode!! :)

*Event Page:

[보이프렌드 여름 방학 이벤트.2 - 1부]

보이프렌드 멤버들이 여러분들의 질문을 직접 답해주었습니다!
이벤트에 참여해주신 베스트프렌드 여러분 모두 감사드립니다!

조만간 공개될 다음 영상도 놓치지 마세요!! ^^

*Event Page:

*Download BOYFRIEND's music on iTunes♬ :
TV 채널 - TV Channel
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