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Champagne & Candle(샴페인&캔들) - WHAT'S MY NAME [Brand New Music's Brand New Artist]

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Champagne & Candle(샴페인&캔들) - WHAT'S MY NAME [Brand New Music's Brand New Artist]

LOEN MUSIC's New Brand Name, 1theK!
로엔뮤직의 새이름 1theK!

Hello! this is 1theK.

As you've noticed, we've been working on the English subtitles for our MVs and Originals.
But sometimes it is difficult to prepare subs on time.
Sorry to announce this. T-T
The subtitles for this clip will be uploaded within a few hours.
It would be great if you comeback in a few hours and watch it again!

We always thank you for your comments and advices.
(Yes, we actually read most of your comments)

All the best,

The 2nd new face BRANDNEW MUSIC has prepared in 2014, BRANDNEW's Brand New Champagne & Candle BRANDNEW MUSIC, always having surprised the public with new music experiments and diverse black music, has revealed a young-blood duo Champagne & Candle that will pin-point the interests of hot and young music fans.

They are consisted of members Champagne (Son Seung Hwan) and Candle (Lee Kang). Like their name, they'll be expressing hot music fit for champagne (party) and soft music fit for candle mood). Able to express both moods and as BRANDNEW MUSIC's hidden new artist team, they plan to be true 'brand new' artists with their luxury and trendy music.

Their newly revealed first track 'WHAT'S MY NAME' is a trendy hip hop track, expressing their appearance in a confident and witty way. At the same time, it shows Champagne & Candle's music color and their music direction.

Also, as likely of BRANDNEW MUSIC's artists, despite being rookies, Champagne & Candle is a duo both capable of producing, lyric writing, and composing music.

'WHAT'S MY NAME' also being written, composed, and produced by the duo, listeners can feel the trendy and young musical vibe as can be expected from their young age.

The video, with clips from their pictorial shoot, revealed along with the new track'WHAT'S MY NAME', shows their relaxed attitude unlikely that of a rookies' as well as their notable fashion sense, attracting attention from fans.

Champagne & Candle will gradually reach out to fans this year through BRANDNEW MUSIC's various albums and performances.

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Champagne & Candle - WHAT'S MY NAME 무료공개곡

브랜뉴뮤직이 준비한 2014년 두 번째 뉴페이스, 브랜뉴의 브랜뉴 샴페인&캔들. 늘 새로운 도전과 다양한 흑인음악으로 대중을 사로잡아온 브랜뉴뮤직이 이번에는 젊고 뜨거운 음악팬들의 취향을 저격할 핫한 젊은피 듀오 샴페인&캔들을 선보인다.

샴페인(손승환)과 캔들(이강)로 구성된 이들은 팀 이름에 맞게 샴페인(파티)의 뜨거움과 캔들(무드)의 부드러움, 이 두가지 무드를 동시에 지닌 브랜뉴뮤직의 숨겨진 신인 아티스트팀으로 고급스럽고 트렌디한 음악으로 브랜뉴뮤직에 진정한 브랜뉴 아티스트가 될 예정이다.

이번에 공개한 이들의 첫번째 공개곡 'WHAT'S MY NAME'은 자신들의 등장을 당당하고 재치 있게 표현한 세련된 힙합트랙으로 앞으로 샴페인&캔들의 음악 색깔과 그들의 방향성을 동시에 보여준다.

또 브랜뉴뮤직의 아티스트답게 신인임에도 불구하고 각각 프로듀싱, 작사, 작곡이 가능한 듀오로, 역시나 직접 프로듀싱하고 작사, 작곡을 한 이번 곡은 그들의 젊은 나이다운 트렌디하고 young한 음악적 감각을 느낄 수 있다.

무료 공개곡 'WHAT'S MY NAME'과 함께 공개된 화보 촬영을 담은 영상에서는 신인답지 않은 여유로움과 탁월한 패션 센스가 돋보이며 팬들의 눈길을 끌었다.

샴페인&캔들은 올해 브랜뉴뮤직의 여러 앨범들과 공연장에서 다양한 모습으로 조금씩 팬들과 함께 할 예정이다.

Champagne & Candle Official SNS

Champagne & Candle Fanclub

샴페인 : www.twitter.com/CHAMPAGNESWEEET
캔들 : www.twitter.com/Officialcandle

Brand New Music Official SNS
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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