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Exclaiming and talking to yourself with -다 in Korean

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If you’ve heard people use verbs that seem to be in the dictionary form, which is supposed to be conjugated into other forms, it might be because they are using exclamation forms rather than just not conjugating the verbs. You can learn all about how to give an exclamation in Korean. This is also commonly used when you are talking to yourself.
Conjugation rule:
with descriptive verbs + you just add -다
with action verbs + you add -ㄴ다 or -는다
Wow. This is pretty.
= 우와. 이거 예쁘다. (exclaiming)
우와. 이거 예뻐요. (neutral / plainly giving the fact)
우와. 이거 예쁘네요. (acknowledging)
우와. 이거 예쁜데요? (asking for reaction)
This is so heavy.
= 이거 진짜 무겁다! (exclaiming)
이거 진짜 무거워요. (neutral / plainly delivering the fact)
이거 진짜 무겁네요. (i see that it’s heavy)
이거 진짜 무거운데요? (asking for reaction or response)
It has been completed. / It’s ready. / It’s done.
= 다 됐다. (exclaiming)
다 됐어요. (plain)
다 됐네요. (acknowledgement)
다 됐는데요? (asking for response)
More examples
눈 온다! It’s snowing.
버스 온다. The bus is coming.
아, 피곤하다. I’m tired. (아, 피곤해. is okay too)
아이고 덥다... Oh my, it’s hot. (아이고 더워. is okay too)
이상하다… Hmm… It’s strange.
어, 여기 있다. Oh, it’s here.
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