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Healthcare Should Not Be a For-Profit Business, says Jesse Ventura

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Two places in society should not be run by corporate-minded individuals: healthcare and government. The for-profit model fails to provide proper services or fairness, says the former Minnesota governor. Ventura's latest book is "American Conspiracies, Second Edition" ().
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Transcript - Pharma is corporate healthcare and I don’t believe that healthcare should be a for profit business. And unfortunately with pharma it totally is. Like this bozo - that pill that AIDS patients needed and this bozo raises the price from $12 a pill to what was it - $900 or something ridiculous. Well there you’ve got an example of private sector coming in and making everything for profit. Always remember that there’s a difference – and this is for the people out there for these like CEOs like Trump that run. There’s a difference between government and a corporation. Corporations are for profit. That is all they’re for. Turning out profit for the shareholders. Government is to provide services and that’s a different ballgame. Providing services to being for profit. So you cannot run them the same way. People are saying oh, run it like a private corporation. No. Private corporations are for profit and that’s what you’re seeing in the healthcare industry today. It’s being run for profit and I don’t think people’s health should be run for profit. Certainly people don’t work in the industry should earn a living. No one is denying that. But when you read about the heads of these healthcares making what - $40 million a year – stock options to where they have so much money they couldn’t spend it all. All at the sake of our health. Health should not be for profit. If you’re sick in a country like ours, it’s simple. You should have the ability to go see a doctor.
Everybody in this country deserves the same healthcare that congressmen get. How’s that. Whatever congressmen get, you and I deserve the same thing. They should be no better or no worse than us. After all don’t they work for us? Or aren’t the supposed to? We’re the boss. They’re the employee. All you see on daytime television and I love it, tell your doctor about this drug. Well let me steal from Bill Maher if I will for a moment. If you’re telling your doctor what you need your doctor’s not a doctor, he’s a dealer. He should be telling you what you need. He’s the doctor. So why do they do ads on TV telling you to take these drugs? And the point is yes, they do control our entire healthcare system today. The pure Libertarian is almost an anarchist. I’ve butted heads with them at times and they believe some of them that there’s no role of government at all. And I’ve kind of said come on, in a civilized society you’ve got to have some type of entity that performs fairness within society. You’d have anarchy if you don’t have in a civil society if you don’t have some form of control of the people. So I understand the Libertarian viewpoint enough but I’m also a realist, you know. You’re not going to live in Utopia. That’s impossible. We’re human beings. We make mistakes. We’re not gods. We’re humans.
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