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I Tried DERMAROLLING my Saggy Skin For 6 Months & This Happened! (Astonishing Results)

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Hello everyone!

Ok, I love being a mummy and I love my little ones but cannot deny that the pregnancies took a toll on my body and confidence.

I’ve never been shy to show how my saggy tummy as I knew it was just one of the many faces of post pregnancy. I was never ashamed of my body because I was so flipping proud of what it could do so why should I hide it? In fact, it felt so freeing and liberating to share to people around me.

That’s not to say thatI don’t get bad days. I’ve never been so upset with my saggy belly that I’ve cried or fell into depression but I did realise I would be self conscious in the bedroom. My mentality was, if there was something I can do about it, why not? Still, surgical treatment was never something I took seriously on my radar. I couldn’t afford the recovery time and mentally and physically, I knew I was not strong enough to go through with it. Then my cosmetic surgeon friend asked me if I tried derma rolling on my body.

I’ve previously heard wonderful results from those who used it on their acne scars and fine lines but never have I pondered with the idea of derma rolling my tummy. It was relatively low cost and at this rate, I figured I’ll have nothing to lose since my tummy was already a lost cause. So I went on a 6 month journey and decided to document the results.

The results have been positively surprising. I never expected my tummy to go back to it’s former glory but I can do see the subtle changes throughout the months of rolling. I’ve recently progressed on to a 2mm roller. I’m going to keep rolling and we will see how things look in another 6 months time.

Maybe there is somebody out there just like me so here I am sharing this video.

NOTE: This video reveals my very own experience and so please understand that results will be different for everybody. I’m not encouraging everyone to run and buy a derma roller. I invite you to watch this video with an open mind. I researched for weeks before I made the purchase of a roller. If you do decide to try out derma rolling, never ever share your derma rollers and make sure you put hygiene and safety first.

Best of luck everyone!!!

Music by MJ Lee: https://mjleedot.com/

Love, Lindy

Hi, I'm Lindy! Welcome to the Bubz family. I am a beauty, lifestyle and mommy vlogger. We make daily vlogs we call daily doses of happiness! Join us as we navigate this journey we call life and keep up with our crazy little family adventures. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so we can continue to put a smile on your face. Do make new friends with fellow Bubscribers. I promise you they are the sweetest bunch ever! If you enjoyed today’s vlog, don’t forget to give it a LIKE.

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