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If America’s education system is outdated, how can we evolve? | Derrell Bradford

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Specialization in education is just one way of optimizing the system for the future.

- The current education system wasn't designed to accommodate the dynamism required today.

- Derrell Bradford of 50CAN points out that, while education reform in the past has done some great things for many students in America, there is a definite need to evolve. That evolution involves maintaining the positive aspects of the education system and overcoming the negative.

- This video is supported by yes. every kid. (https://yeseverykid.com), an initiative that aims to rethink education from the ground up by connecting innovators in a shared mission to conquer "one size fits all" education reform.

Derrell is the executive vice president of 50CAN where he advocates to improve educational opportunities and options for families across the country. Derrell also recruits and trains local leaders across the 50CAN network and leads the network’s National Voices fellowship; a seminar focused on education policy, political collaboration, and media.

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