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Indian Dance: Bharatanatyam and Odissi (Part 1 of 2)

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Yoga is traditionally associated with ancient schools of Hindu philosophy, in which one attains peace and salvation as the mind, body and spirit unite. Indian classical dance has its own journey that defines a unique path for individuals to attain liberation. The dancers Navia Natarajan (Bharatanatyam) and Niharika Mohanty (Odissi) will demonstrate the benefits of dance and yoga practice, bringing their individualistic styles together while incorporating yoga postures (asanas) and the extension of breath (pranayama).

Niharika Mohanty is the founder and director of Guru Shradha, a Bay Area Odissi classical dance institution that carries on the tradition of one of Odissi's founders, Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. Mohanty was one of his longtime students and continues to refine her art alongside his son and daughter-in-law.

Navia Natarajan has been dancing to the beat of Bharatanatyam as a student of several acclaimed gurus. Recognized for her passion and ability to weave epic stories and human experience, Navia makes Bharatanatyam accessible for all generations. In addition to touring the U.S., Navia performs in India three
to four months every year.
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