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ITZY (있지).zip ???? DALLA DALLA(달라달라)부터 GOLD까지 | Show! MusicCore

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0:00 GOLD 241019
3:23 Mr.Vampire 240127
6:24 UNTOUCHABLE 240113
9:51 BORN TO BE 240113
12:57 CAKE 230805
16:22 None of My Business 230805
18:31 Cheshire 221210
21:43 SNEAKERS 220723
24:53 SWIPE 211016
27:54 LOCO 211009
31:00 Sorry Not Sorry 210522
34:32 마.피.아. In the morning 210508
37:32 Not Shy 200905
40:33 WANNABE 200328
43:47 ICY 190817
46:58 달라달라 190223


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ⓒ MBC&iMBC 무단 전재, 재배포 및 이용(AI학습 포함)금지
환대 - Entertainment
mbc, KPOP, dance
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