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IZAN - Silent MV

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IZAN - Silent MV

Everyone has moments of silence. Some words linger long after being swallowed, and others remain pointed regrets.

누구에게나 침묵하는 순간들이 있다. 어떤 말들은 삼켜진 채로 오랜 세월을 고이고, 어떤 말들은 뾰족한 후회로 남는다.

그 순간들의 감정들을 전곡 프로듀싱과 함께 어두운 사운드로 풀어낸 IZAN의 첫 EP [Silent].

IZAN Official instagram /@izanxin (https://www.instagram.com/izanxin/)
Youtube /@izanxin (https://youtube.com/@izanxin?si=jxnt_zQSY4ETLpUB)
Email / @[email protected]


All track produced and performed by IZAN

1. Silent
Composed by IZAN
Lyrics by IZAN
Arranged by IZAN
Mixed by Lighthouse Sound
Mastered by Lighthouse Sound
Music video directed by Kim Tae Hoon
Cast: Jeong Hey June, Kim Hyun Ji
Executive producer: IZAN
Cinematographer: Kim Deok Yong
Camera crew: Lee Yun Je
Lightning director: Kim Min Ki
Lightning crew: Lim Ji Hoon
Editor: Kim Tae Hoon
D.I.: Lim Ji Hoon

Special thanks to Kwon Young Hye

2. Worth it
Composed by IZAN
Lyrics by IZAN
Arranged by IZAN
Mixed by 505 sound
Mastered by Lighthouse Sound

3. Lights off
Composed by IZAN
Lyrics by IZAN
Arranged by IZAN
Mixed by Lighthouse Sound
Mastered by Lighthouse Sound

4. Can’t tell anything
Composed by IZAN
Lyrics by IZAN
Arranged by IZAN
Mixed by Lighthouse Sound
Mastered by Lighthouse Sound

Artwork by Seoriass, Heo Do Young

#IZAN #Silent
환대 - Entertainment
K-CULTURE, korean Music, MV
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