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Jang Yijeong(장이정 of HISTORY) : Weekly Yijeong(주간 장이정) - 2 [ENG/JPN SUB]

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Jang Yijeong(장이정 of HISTORY) : Weekly Yijeong(주간 장이정) - 2 [ENG/JPN SUB]
*English & Japanese subtitles are now available. :D
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‘The singing man’ Jang Yijeong comes once a week!
Last week he showed the keyboard version of “Blue Moon” with his delicate hands,
and today we are revealing the song written by Jang Yijoeng himself!
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先週、きれいな手と一緒に披露したキーボードバージョンの「Blue Moon」に続き、
한 주에 한 번씩 찾아오는 ‘노래하는 남자’ 장이정!
지난주, 섬섬옥수와 함께 선보였던 키보드 버전 “Blue Moon”에 이어
오늘은 감성 가득한 장이정표 자작곡을 깜짝 스포일링합니다!!
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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