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[KCON STUDIO X K-SEAFOOD] 'K-Homefeast with SF9' Feat. C.O.S.I cheese fries & Fiery red Eobokki

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[KCON STUDIO X K-SEAFOOD] 'K-Homefeast with SF9' Feat. Crispy.Outside.Soft.Inside Eomuk cheese fries & Fiery red Eobokki with marinated crab

You are invited to K-Homefeast with World's Hottest K-POP Idol, SF9!!
Play fun and exciting games and enjoy delicious Korean food made by SF9!
Please eat Crispy.Outside.Soft.Inside. Eomuk cheese fries & Fiery red Eobokki and enjoy homefeast with your friends and family!

And click here to get chance to win K-POP Artist signed CD! (~07.03)

Sixth K-SEAFOOD Dish 'C.O.S.I. Eomuk cheese fries' Recipe
1. Cut the stick Eomuk in half and shove the string cheese in.
2. Coat the Eomuk in flour, beaten eggs and bread crumbs.
3. Fry them until they're well cooked

Seventh K-SEAFOOD Dish 'Fiery red Eobokki' Recipe
1. Add 2 spoons of sugar, 2 spoons of chili powder, and 1.5 spoons of gochujang in the water and boil them.
2. Cut the Eomuks horizontally
3. Chop the onions and scallions
4. Add Eomuks and stir fry it until it absorbs the spice, then add the onions and scallions (If you add minced garlic, it will make deeper flavor)


[KCON STUDIO X K-SEAFOOD] 'K-Homefeast with SF9' 겉바속촉 어묵 치즈 튀김 & 빨간맛 어볶이와 게장

글로벌 대표 아이돌 SF9과 함께하는 K-Homefeast 에 여러분을 초대합니다!
SF9 멤버들과 함께 재밌는 게임도 즐기고, 멤버들이 직접 소개하는 맛있는 한국음식 레시피도 보고!
겉바속촉 어묵 치즈 튀김과 빨간맛 어볶이로 가족, 친구들과 신나는 Homefeast를 즐겨보세요

K-FOOD, K-SEAFOOD SNS Share Event에 참여하고 싸인CD 받자! (7월 3일까지!)

여섯번째 K-SEAFOOD 요리 '겉바속촉 어묵치즈튀김' Recipe
1. 어묵을 반으로 갈라 스트링 치즈 하나를 어묵 속에 넣어주세요
2. 어묵 겉에 밀가루와 달걀물 그리고 빵가루를 입혀줍니다.
3. 잘 익을때까지 튀겨주세요

일곱번째 K-SEAFOOD 요리 '빨간맛 어볶이' Recipe
1. 설탕 2스푼, 고추가루 2스푼, 고추장 1.5스푼을 물에 넣고 끓여주세요
2. 어묵을 가로로 길게 잘라줍니다.
3. 양파와 파를 알맞게 썰어주세요
4. 어묵을 넣고 끓여주다가 양파와 파를 넣고 함께 끓여줍니다. (다진 마늘을 넣어주면 풍미가 더 좋아져요!)


[KCON STUDIO X K-SEAFOOD] 'K-Homefeast with SF9' 外はサクサク中はトロトロ!ちくわチーズフライ&辛いオッポギとケジャン

外はサクサク中はトロトロなちくわチーズフライと辛いオッポギで、家族や友達と楽しいHomefeast をお楽しみください

K-FOOD、K-SEAFOOD SNS Share Eventに参加してサインCDをゲットしよう! (7月3日まで!)

6回目のK-SEAFOOD料理「外はサクサク中はトロトロ!ちくわチーズフライ」 レシピ

7回目のK-SEAFOOD料理「辛いオッポギ」 レシピ


공식적인 플랫폼 외 저작권자의 허락없이 [KCON:TACT 2020 SUMMER]를 서비스하는 행위는 명백한 불법 행위이며, 적발 시 민형사상 책임을 지게 되오니 합법적인 방법으로 콘텐츠를 즐겨주시기 바랍니다.

Uploading or livestreaming the contents related to [KCON:TACT 2020 SUMMER] without permission or a license to do so clearly constitutes “copyright infringement”, and we may takedown unlawful contents without prior notice and take all appropriate legal action. Please enjoy KCON:TACT legally through official platforms.

公式的なプラットフォーム以外の著作権者の許可無く[KCON:TACT 2020 SUMMER]をサービスする行為は明白な違法行為であり、摘発の際に民事・刑事上の責任を負うことになりますので合法的な方法でコンテンツを楽しむようお願い致します。


Thailand viewers will be able to tune in through only AIS PLAY. Viewers in Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines will be able to tune in through only Shopee. Please check your region’s platform to watch KCON:TACT 2020 SUMMER·Thailand viewers will be able to tune in through only AIS PLAY. Viewers in Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines will be able to tune in through only Shopee. Please check your region’s platform to watch KCON:TACT 2020 SUMMER
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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