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Korean Dialect Lessons with Seokjin - Lesson #10

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In this series, you can learn along side Terris as Seokjin teaches him some phrases in 경상도 사투리, the dialect spoken by people from the Gyeongsang Province area, which includes cities like 대구, 부산, 마산, 포항, 경주, etc.

This is the final epsiode of Korean Dialect Lessons with Seokjin.

In this lesson, we are going to review all the 경상도 사투리 (Gyeongsang Province dialect) expressions we've learned in previous lessons and answer some of your questions.

For more lessons on Korean dialects, please visit please visit http://www.talktomeinkorean.com/categ...

It's always important to speak naturally and correct in any language, and whether you want to speak in a 사투리 (dialect) or in 표준어 (standard Korean), you can make your Korean sound more natural by practicing every day with help from a native speaker. You can do just that by heading over to http://HaruKorean.com!
And as always, thank you for studying with us.

You can find more FREE Korean lessons at http://TalkToMeInKorean.com and get our audiobooks, e-books and textbooks at http://MyKoreanStore.com .
표시 대화 - Talk Show
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