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[Kpop] 1theK COMING UP NEXT [CHN Ver.] - 3rd week of October, 2014(10월 3주차) [KOR/JPN SUB]

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[Kpop] 1theK COMING UP NEXT [ENG Ver.] - 3rd week of October, 2014(10월 3주차) [KOR/JPN SUB]
- Original SOON: [Special Clip] GAEKO / [CLUB99˚] BTOB / [PLAYLIST] Younha
- K-POP SOON: (10.20) GUMMY / SEO TAI JI / BEAST / UNIQ (10.21) EPIK HIGH / B.I.G / (10.24) 2LSON
*한글/일본어 자막이 제공됩니다. :D
(플레이어 하단의 'CC(자막)' 버튼을 클릭해주세요.)
(CCボタンをクリック、それとも'Interactive Transcript' 機能を活性化して下さい)
Get your updates on 1theK's original contents and the newest K-Pop vids on 1theK COMING UP NEXT!
Don't miss out on this week's greetings by VIXX members who have returned as cyborgs!
Want to know which original video got the most clicks from 1theK viewers?
Find out when the Special Clip for Dynamic Duo's GAEKO flying solo and BTOB's CLUB 99˚ air on 1theK!
You can also check sentimental singer and songwriter Younha's amazing PLAYLIST will air, too!
1theK COMING UP NEXT for the third week of October is full of K-Pop news, so play and check it out now!
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1theKのオリジナルコンテンツや新譜ニュースを最も早くご紹介する1theK COMING UP NEXT!
先週1theKユーザーたちをうきうきとさせたOriginal HOTの主人公!
豊かなコンテンツでいっぱいの10月第3週目の1theK COMING UP NEXT!
第一时间可以得到1theK原创内容及新专辑消息的1theK COMING UP NEXT!
这一周让网友手舞足蹈的Original HOT主人公!
solo出击!Dynamic Duo的GAEKO《Special Clip》、愉快小伙子们BTOB的《CLUB99˚》、
丰富多彩的十月第三周的1theK COMING UP NEXT! 这周也一起来吧!
1theK의 오리지널 컨텐츠와 신보 소식을 가장 발 빠르게 만나는 1theK COMING UP NEXT!
사이보그 콘셉트로 돌아온 변신돌 ‘VIXX’의 인사말부터,
한 주간 1theK 유저들을 들썩이게 만든 Original HOT의 주인공!
솔로 출격! 다이나믹 듀오 개코의 스페셜 클립부터,
유쾌한 악동 비투비의 클럽99˚,
싱어송라이터 윤하가 전하는 감성충만 플레이리스트까지!!
풍성한 컨텐츠로 가득한 10월 셋째 주의 1theK COMING UP NEXT! 이번 주에도 함께해요!
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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