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Let's Dance: AOA(에이오에이) _ Short Hair(단발머리) [ENG/JPN/CHN SUB]

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Let's Dance: AOA(에이오에이) _ Short Hair(단발머리) [ENG/JPN/CHN SUB]

LOEN MUSIC's New Brand Name, 1theK!
로엔뮤직의 새이름 1theK!

*English & Japanese & Chinese subtitles are now available. :D
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[Let's Dance] AOA
Sexy warming up dance for finding a new love!

AOA who showed their sexy charms with 'Mini Skirt' has turned into ambitious women with 'Short Hair'! They're teaching the sexy warming up dance for finding a new love in Let's Dance~ Their secret tips to forgetting about the past love and starting a new love! Jimin's way of knocking at the new love and Yuna's cute provocation who wants to fall in love~ AOA's sexy cute Let's dance~ Let's do it together!

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听说她们通过《Let's Dance》频道告诉大家为了寻找新爱情的热身性感舞蹈~
想被俘虏心的,AOA性感可爱《Let's Dance》~ 一起来去跳吧!!

[Let's Dance] AOA 편
새로운 사랑을 위한 워밍업 섹시댄스!

'짧은 치마'로 섹시함을 발산했던 AOA가 '단발머리'로 당차게 변신했습니다!
그녀들이 렛츠댄스에서 새로운 사랑을 위한 워밍업 섹시댄스를 선보인다고 하는데요~
지난 사랑을 잊고 새로운 사랑을 시작하기 위한 그녀들만의 특급 비법!
지민이 알려주는 새로운 사랑에 똑똑 노크하는 법부터, 썸 타고싶은 유나의 귀여운 도발(?)까지~
마음을 체포 당하고 싶은 AOA의 섹시큐티 렛츠댄스~ 다 함께 렛츠 두잇!!
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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