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Melody of Love | 사랑은 노래를 타고 | 乘着歌声的爱情 - Ep.123 (2014.05.13)

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Beomjin is questioned about his son's paternity at the parliamentary hearing. Jeongnam and Juho's families have their doubts about Hyeonu's birth. Dusik demands to know what is going on. Beomjin tells his father what happened. Jeongja is kicked out of her house. Sejun tells her family how he feels about her. Deulim also learns that Hyeonu was illegitimate. Hyeonu learns from his mother that he is not his father's son.
听证会上被提问玄雨是不是私生子,范镇的听证会告一段落, 贞男家和周浩家对玄雨的身世心存疑问。 斗植和智英一起看听证会,并追问智英 范镇回到家跟斗植解释玄雨的身世。 另一边,世俊看到贞子从家里被赶出来,他找到贞男家说喜欢贞子...... 德琳回家后从珍顺那里得知玄雨是私生子, 玄雨也是从智英那里听说自己不是范镇的亲生儿子,受到打击......
'Melody of Love' Telecasting Time: Every Mon-Fri 20:20 & 04:20 [R] (Seoul, UTC+9) with English & Chinese subtitle on KBS World TV.
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