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[MMA 2020] Melon Music Awards 2020 | 멜론뮤직어워드

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[MMA 2020] Melon Music Awards 2020 | 멜론뮤직어워드

대한민국 대표 음악 시상식 MMA 2020
음악으로 더 가까워지는 4일간의 온라인 뮤직 페스티벌 MMA WEEK!
멜론, 카카오TV, 유튜브에서 생중계로 만나보세요.

MMA 2020, one of the prestigious music awards in South Korea
MMA WEEK, a four-day online music festival where everyone can get close to each other with music!
You can watch the ceremony live on Melon, Kakao TV and YouTube.

2020.12.2~12.5 7PM(KST)
(대한민국) 멜론 앱/웹, 카카오TV
(Global) 1theK, Melon YouTube

#MMA2020 #1theK#원더케이

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뮤직 비디오 - Song
K-POP, Kpop, 1theK
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