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[MV] John Park(존박) _ SMILE

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[MV] John Park(존박) _ SMILE
*English subtitles are now available.
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[ John Park ]
‘SMILE’ is the title track of John Park’s single album with two songs. John Park composed the song in order to share comfort in this cold winter and NY Fish wrote the lyrics. The song contains a message that you can make a smile one day no matter how much difficulties you have now. ‘The Wind’ is a song that he said the most valuable and the most proud of among his self-written songs. In his childhood, John Park was raised by his grandmother on his mother’s side, who is suffering from dementia. Since he wrote this song after seeing his mother, who is caring for her ailing mother, the song touches your heart.
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[ 존박 ]
2곡이 수록된 이번 존박의 싱글의 타이틀은 'SMILE'. 추운 겨울에 조금이나마 따뜻한 위로를 나누고자 존박이 만든 곡으로 노랫말은 NY물고기가 심혈을 기울였다. 아무리 힘들어도 웃을 수 있는 날이 올 거라는 메시지가 담겼다. '오늘 바람'이라는 곡은 존박 자신이 쓴 곡 중 가장 소중하고 자랑스럽다고 밝힌 곡이다. 어릴 적 부터 외할머니의 손에 자란 존박은 치매를 앓고 계신 외할머니를 간호하시는 어머니의 모습을 보며 만든 곡이어서 가슴을 두드린다.
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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