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[NO.MERCY(노머시)] Ep.1 'The Cruel Debut War' Get Started!(무자비한 데뷔전쟁의 시작!)

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[NO.MERCY(노머시)] Ep.1 'The Cruel Debut War' Get Started!(무자비한 데뷔전쟁의 시작!)
Hello! this is 1theK.
As you've noticed, we've been working on the English subtitles for our MVs and Originals.
But sometimes it is difficult to prepare subs on time.
Sorry to announce this. T-T
The subtitles for this clip will be uploaded within a few hours.
It would be great if you comeback in a few hours and watch it again!
We always thank you for your comments and advices.
(Yes, we actually read most of your comments)
All the best,
[Deokspatch(덕스패치) EVENT]
Leave something you wanna see from them on 1theK FB/TW/G+!
'Deokspatch' will be dispatched right away!
Ex.) Sexy Dance, Name writing with butt, Make Up, Etc.!
Period: Dec. 11th 0AM ~ Dec. 12th 0AM
'여러분이 보고 싶은 12명의 연습생들의 비밀스런 OO 현장'을 1theK 페이스북/트위터/구글플러스에 남겨주세요!
덕스패치가 바로 특종 취재 나갑니다
Ex.) 섹시댄스, 엉덩이로 이름쓰기, 메이크업 등!
참여 기간: 12/11 0AM ~12/12 0AM
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A ruthless war of the trainees for debut! Trainees with no "names", but "ranks" only!
With K.will, Hyolyn, Mad Clown, Rhymer, Whee Sung and many more artists' eyes on them,
the trainees' 1st Debut Mission is finally here!
Find out which trainee gets a lot of attention and becomes the "Monster Trainee"...
[NO.MERCY] airs on Wednesdays, 11PM on M.net
You can watch it again on Thursdays, 3PM on 1theK channel on YouTube.
연습생들의 무자비한 데뷔전쟁이 시작됐다! "이름"이 아닌 "순위"로 불리는 연습생들!
케이윌, 효린, 매드클라운, 라이머, 휘성 등 기라성 같은 선배 아티스트들이 지켜보는 가운데, 드디어 1차 데뷔미션이 시작된다!
심사위원의 극찬세례를 받은 "괴물연습생"의 탄생이 예고되는데..
[NO.MERCY]는 매주 수요일 밤 11시 M.net을 통해 방송되며
다시보기 영상은 매주 목요일 오후 3시 1theK 유튜브 채널을 통해 시청하실 수 있습니다.
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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