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[Super K-Pop] 페이퍼컷 프로젝트 (Papercut Project) - 사랑에 빠질 수 밖에 없는 얼굴, Paper Cut

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페이퍼컷 프로젝트 (Papercut Project) paid a visit to Super K-Pop.
Check out their hit song
'사랑에 빠질 수 밖에 없는 얼굴 (A Face You Can't Help Falling In Love With)', 'Paper Cut'
Only on this video.

- Papercut Project is a band made up of vocal 고창인, guitarist 유경표, and cajon player 김두현. They were all members of different bands before coming together as Papercut Project in 2012. They’ve been continuously releasing singles since January, and connecting with the public through live performances. Let’s have a sweet time with these three guys, who sing about love and romance.

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환대 - Entertainment
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