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Sweet Home, Sweet Honey | 우리집 꿀단지 | 我们家的蜜罐子 - Ep.13 (2015.11.30)

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Ep.13: Bom gets angry at Midal for assuming that she and Maru were up to no good. Maru worries about Bom. Gukhui considers declaring Paran missing for Aran’s sake. Aran plans to put the artificially-flavored wine on a tasting table at the opening-night event of Punggildang’s new wine bar. Taeho returns Bom’s phone and offers her a part-time job at the Punggildang wine bar. Jeonggi, who has grown fond of Bom, goes to help Bom at the wine bar in Maru’s place. There, he sees Aran going off at Bom. Bom and Gukhui cross paths there.
吴宝因为美达误会吴宝和玛娄关系,于是很生气, 玛娄担心吴宝。 菊熙为了亚兰考虑波兰的失踪申请。 亚兰背着菊熙把用食品添加物的产品放在试饮台上。 泰浩把弄丢的手机还给宝, 并让她做丰吉堂传统酒店的打扫兼职。 正基越来越喜欢吴宝。 替玛娄去工作的正基看到亚兰对吴宝发脾气, 这时吴宝和菊熙也相遇。
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