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Sweet Home, Sweet Honey | 우리집 꿀단지 | 我们家的蜜罐子 - Ep.66 (2016.02.11)

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Ep.66: Pictures of Midal and Chowon Pub appear instead of the pictures Bom prepared for the presentation. Disappointed by the debacle, Gukhui sends Bom to the Marketing and Sales Team. Suffering from aphasia, Aran becomes the center of the family’s attention. Bom is assigned the difficult task of winning a contract with a Korean food restaurant franchise. Maru, in the meantime, is unable to accept his birth father, Taejun, who’s suddenly reentered his life.
因为说明会时显示出的画面不是准备的照片, 而是美达和草原酒店的照片, 宝没有做好发表。 于是失望的菊熙把宝派到营销组营业部。 亚兰因失语症,得到家人的关心。 宝为了取得韩食连锁饭店的合同,孤军奋斗。 玛娄还是接受不了亲生父亲泰俊。
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