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The Qmentary(더큐멘터리): Noel(노을) _ In the End(이별밖에) [ENG/JPN/CHN SUB]

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The Qmentary(더큐멘터리): Noel(노을) _ In the End(이별밖에) [ENG/JPN/CHN SUB]
*English, Japanese, and Chinese subtitles are now available. :D
(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function)
(CCボタンをクリック、それとも'Interactive Transcript' 機能を活性化して下さい)
Who becomes younger among members of Noel?!
The fact-digging talk show The Qmentary! The 9th guest is Noel, 4 guys touching your heart!
From the story how they picked up and put down the Qrious Man, Brian, to the struggling to be the member who became younger(?)~
Let's meet the hard-carry guys!
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NOEL成员中 “回春”的成员是谁?
노을 멤버 중 회춘한 사람은 누구?!

본격 사실조사 토크쇼 더큐멘터리! 아홉 번째 게스트는 가슴을 두드리는 네 남자 노을!
큐리어스맨 브라이언을 들었다 놨다 한 사연부터, 회춘한 멤버가 되기 위해(?) 고군분투하는
노을의 몸부림까지~ 하드캐리한 그들에게 빠져봐요!
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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