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The Road to Seoul-Model, as a Dream Profession 모델, 꿈의 직업이 되다

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As the fashion industry in Korea, unlike the female centered past, is expanding its male model market, the number of Korean male models has drastically increased. Actively exploring careers beyond runway, on television and movie screen, male models are experiencing their heydays in Korea.
Korean Male Models, Entering the World Stage
SBS, one of Korea’s top 3 media stations, hosts the annual Super Model Contest. Traditionally, the contest has discovered numerous female models, and since 2011, male models were also able to enter the contest. Last year, the number of male applicants increased by 15% and exceeded that of female applicants. Kim Moo-young, the male winner of the contest in 2011, has gone on to international stage after the competition, and gained recognition in Milano, Paris, and Hong Kong. He is actively performing his modeling career with agencies in eight countries.
Male models into Various Fields
The examples of successful male models in the entertainment industry contributed the most in increasing its population. Many of them actively expanded their careers as actors and celebrities and gained much fame, naturally becoming the object of envy. Some of model-turned actors even became the Korean wave stars with international popularity. Given their tall heights and natural poses from modeling basics, models are favorable and well fit for commercial films and acting. Their fresh and trendy appearances are also attractive to those professionals in the industry who are often fed up with typical masks.

Model, as a Dream Profession
As the fashion market expands and the model’s active boundary broadens, the profession as a model is making a meteoric rise. The number of professional modeling academies to train model aspirants increased much, as the population drastically and continuously grows. Even within the academy the male concentrated patterns are evident; the male to female ratio used to be around 2 to 8, which is now close to 5 to 5. It has been only 30 years since model became an official profession in Korea. However, today, it is solidifying its position and is becoming a dream occupation.

″Korean models are very beautiful, and in fact, their beauty is some sort of a trend in Asian market. When it comes to representing Asian beauty, most designer and cosmetic brands want Korean models as their faces.″
- French cosmetic company person
과거 여자 모델 위주였던 패션산업이 남자 모델로 확장되면서 한국의 남성 모델이 급증하고 있다. 런웨이뿐 아니라 TV와 브라운관까지 점령하며 다양한 활동을 펼치고 있는 남성 모델들! 지금 한국은 남성모델전성시대다.

한국 남성 모델, 세계를 누비다
한국의 3대 미디어 중 하나인 SBS가 주최하는 슈퍼모델선발대회. 여자 모델을 대상으로 매해 많은 슈퍼모델을 배출하던 이 대회는 지난 2011년부터 남자 모델을 함께 선발하기 시작했다. 지난해는 남자 지원자 수가 약 15% 많아지며, 여자 지원자를 뛰어넘었다. 이 대회 출신인 모델 김무영. 그는 2011년 대회 우승 이후, 밀라노 등 세계적인 무대로 나가 실력을 인정받고 있다. 현재 홍콩, 밀라노, 파리 등 8개 나라에 에이전시를 갖고 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다.
남성 모델, 다양한 분야로 진출하다
남성모델들의 증가에는 활발한 연예계 진출이 큰 몫을 했다. 많은 남자 모델들이 스크린이나 브라운관을 넘나들며 스타덤에 오르며 모델들의 선망의 대상이 된 것. 모델 출신 배우 중에는 한류 스타가 되어 세계적으로 인기를 끄는 배우들도 있다. 훤칠한 키와 자연스러운 포즈 등 탄탄한
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