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The Works:The art of the body, Robert Indiana in HK & in the studio: singer-songwriter Heidi Li

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You can find representations of the naked human body in art all the way back to prehistoric times and the Venus of Willendorf. The body, often idealised, has been a source of inspiration and creative expression in all cultures. But many societies do seem to be heading towards a new prudishness. Some have never left it behind.
Even people who don’t know American artist Robert Indiana by name probably know one of his sculptures: the LOVE sculpture and pop art images of it. A self- proclaimed “American painter of signs” Indiana has played an important role in the development of assemblage art, hard-edge painting and Pop art since the 1960s. On show at the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre till mid-July, “LOVE Long: Robert Indiana and Asia” is the first major exhibition of his work in Hong Kong.
Singer-songwriter Heidi Li says that under the influence of her parents she grew up against a background of Chinese opera. Instead of going down that path though, she ventured into NeoSoul, pop and jazz music. She’s lived in Canada, Britain, and France, but for the past eight years she’s been settled in Italy.
She’s with me right now to talk about her new EP, “Third Culture Kid”.
예술 - Art
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