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TV Novel: Eunhui | TV小说:恩熙 | TV 소설: 은희 - Ep.136 (2014.01.13)

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Ep.136: Seokgu is taken away on charges of being a spy. When Geumsun finds out that Myeongho is behind this, she visits Jeongok and yells at her. Eunhui tells Jeongok the truth about Seokgu. Unable to believe Eunhui, Jeongok meets Seokgu to ask about the truth but he maintains his innocence. Meanwhile, Yeongju is upset when Seongjae does nothing while Seokgu is already transferred to Namsan where he is tortured. / 锡九因间谍嫌疑被抓走,琴顺得知这事是明浩捏造,她找到贞玉大骂一通,恩姬把锡九的真面目全都告诉贞玉。 贞玉无法相信恩姬的话,去见锡九确认真相,但锡九仍然执意说自己是清白的。 成宰对这次的事不管不顾,英珠心急如焚;这时候锡九被移动到了南山,接受很残酷的拷问......
'TV Novel: Eunhui' Telecasting Time: Every Mon~Fri 09:45 & 14:35 (Seoul,UTC+9) with English & Chinese subtitle on KBS World TV.
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