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Why our comments are disabled 우리 채널에 댓글을 막은 이유

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We didn't disable our comments. Youtube did.
저희가 댓글을 막은게 아니고 유튜브가 댓글을 막았어요.

Watch the whole vlogs from the beginning 브이로그 처음부터 다 보기

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미국일상생활 이야기, 한국사람 릴리와 케냐인 제임스가 미국에 정착해 살면서 두딸과 재미있게 사는 모습을 담은 채널입니다. 이쁘게 봐주세요. ^^
Lily is from Korea and James is from Kenya.
Currently, we live in Idaho, USA.
We have been married for about 9 years and we have two beautiful daughters, Yuri (6 yrs) and Dasomi (4 yrs).
Who watches our video everyday? Please comment with #dailylilypad
환대 - Entertainment
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