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建屋建家 房委會50周年 The Housing Authority: 50 Years of Building Homes

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香港電台同房委會聯合製作咗一部名為 「建屋建家 房委會50周年」嘅短片,標誌呢個重要嘅里程碑。

短片內容係關於房委會公屋入面一家四口一日嘅生活,展現房委會為基層市民提供安穩嘅家,又積極應用創新科技,提高建屋效率及質素。最後亦有 #房委會主席 何永賢 與房屋署不同職系人員,一齊表達未來繼續努力為基層市民建屋建家嘅願景。

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA), and Radio Television Hong Kong collaborated with HA to produce a short video “The Housing Authority: 50 Years of Building Homes” to commemorate the milestone.

Through a day’s life of a 4-member family in HA’s public housing, the video showcases the HA’s efforts to provide stable homes for the grassroots. It also exhibits the HA’s initiatives in application of innovative technologies to enhance its building efficiency and quality. Towards the end of the video, the HA Chairman Ms Winnie Ho and Housing staff from different disciplines express their continued effort and vision of building homes for the people in need.
문화 - Culture
Housing Authority, public housing, 何永賢
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