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Angel's Revenge | 天上女子 | 천상여자 - Ep.41 (2014.03.19)

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Ep.41: Jihui secretly plants a family photo of hers into Seonyu's planner before showing it to Jiseok. Jiseok starts to suspect Seonyu. Jihui shows the black box video to Jiseok to reveal Seonyu's lies. Meanwhile, Jiseok's trust in Seonyu is shattered. He visits Seonyu after getting drunk. / 智熙为了赶走善裕,她偷偷地在善裕的笔记本里放了一家人照片,智熙把笔记本给智硕看 智硕开始怀疑善裕的表白,智熙把善裕故意制造车祸的黑匣子视频给智硕看,他知道了善裕的伪装 善裕好的创意使西餐厅营业额提高,雅兰打算背后调查李善裕,泰政惊讶之余说善裕会是孔会长的人 另一边,智硕对善裕信任破裂,他喝完闷酒去找善裕......
'Angel's Revenge' Telecasting Time: Every Mon~Fri 09:45 & 14:35 (Seoul,UTC+9) with English & Chinese subtitle on KBS World TV.
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