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[DeokspatchX²(덕스패치X² )] Ep.1 Night Assembly(야간조회)_MONSTA X(몬스타엑스) [ENG/CHN SUB]

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[DeokspatchX²(덕스패치X² )] Ep.1 Night Assembly(야간조회)_MONSTA X(몬스타엑스) [ENG/CHN SUB]
*English & Chinese subtitles are now available. :D
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Star is living on the fan's love! DeokspatchX²! Let's go to school this time!!!!
Be in a rush to take the Deokspatch School of MONSTA X, who come to attract the heart of fans
by taking off older guy's charms but wearing school uniforms instead!
The reality show of pretty high school(?) boys at the night assembly of the DeokspatchX night school!
Let's attend the Deokspatch School everyday from today~!!!
** Let's solve the surprise [World-wide mock test of Deokspatch School]together ~

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拜托“欧巴美”以校服来狙击御宅心的MONSTA X…迅速接受御宅学校!
스타는 덕심이다! 덕스패치X²! 이번엔 학교닷!!!!
오빠美 벗고 교복으로 덕심저격하러 온 몬스타엑스의 덕패스쿨 신속히 접수!
덕패야간스쿨에서 벌어지는 꽃미남 고딩(?)들의 좌충우돌 학원 리얼리티!
우리모두 오늘부터 매일매일 덕패스쿨로 등교해요~!!!
**깜짝 출제되는 [덕패스쿨 전세계 모의고사]도 함께 풀어요~
뮤직 비디오 - Song
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