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Ruby Ring | 红宝石戒指 | 루비반지 - Ep.87 (2014.07.22)

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Ep.87: Gilja begs and pleads with Ruby to help Runa. Ruby is hurt that her mother would ask such a thing of her. Gilja reveals a shocking story. Protestors amass in front of Bae Changgeun's house. Gyeongsuk tells Runa to stay home, but Runa goes out anyway. Runa is startled when there is a news flash about an impending press conference regarding the video. Runa is crestfallen, thinking everything has come to an end. But then Ruby takes the stage in front of hundreds of reporters, campaign workers, and Yeomin party staff. Ruby announces that she was the one who posted the controversial video. Changgeun, who watches the press conference, still suspects foul play and has one of his trusted staffers look into Runa.
最终,吉子痛哭流涕试图说服露比。吉子拼命哀求露比放过露娜这一次,露比觉得吉子很无情。吉子吞吞吐吐地对露比坦白另一个真相。 裴会长的家门口,从凌晨开始一大群示威队喊着让露娜退出解释真相,但露娜不顾家人的劝阻出门。 当天早上,新闻报道马上召开关于露娜视频的紧急新闻发布会,露娜听到消息后大吃一惊。本以为最终还是要被击垮而陷进绝望,但出现在新闻发布会的人却是露比。在几百名相关人士和采访团队聚集起来的大厅里,拿起话筒的露比带着颤抖的声音,她坦白一直议论纷纷的上传视频的人就是自己。露比的坦白让室内变得喧闹不已...... 此时在家观看露比新闻发布会的裴会长仍然解不开疑团,派人调查露娜......
'Ruby Ring' Telecasting Time: Mon~Fri 12:30 & 23:00 / Sat 13:40 (Seoul,UTC+9) with English, Chinese, Malay subtitle on KBS World TV.
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