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[Ultimate Korean Endings_03] "~네요" (Now I see that~)

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◎ 1. -네요 (formal), -네 (informal)
- Present tense
- Combined with an adjective or a verb

1) Put this ending right after a stem
*가다 (To go) + -네요 ☞ 가네요 = (Now I see that, Now I’ve found out that) Someone is going
*예쁘다(To be pretty) + -네요 ☞ 예쁘네요 (Now I see that, I’m impressed because) Something/someone is pretty
*덥다 (To be hot) + -네요 ☞ 덥네요 (Now I see that) it is hot (as in weather)

◎ 1. - 네요, 이네요 (formal) / -네, 이네 (informal)
- Present tense
- Combined with a noun

1)If a noun ends with a vowel, put -네요, - 네
2)If a noun ends with a consonant, put -이네요, -이네

*사진(picture) + -이네요 ☞ 사진이네요 (Now I see that) It’s a picture
*영화(movie) + -네요 ☞ 영화네요 (Now I see that) It’s a movie

◎ 2. (았/었/했)네요 (formal), (았/었/했)네 (informal)
- Past tense
- Combined with an adjective or a verb

Just like we learned in the previous lesson, there’s no exact rule when it comes to this ending.
However, the following fact might help you understand the grammar more.
For your information,ㅏ and ㅗ have a tendency to get along with 았 whereas ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅣ are usually used with 었.

*오다(To come) + -았네요 ☞ 오았네요 ☞ 왔네요 = (Now I see that) One has come
*가다 (To go) + -았네요 ☞ 가았네요 ☞ 갔네요 = (Now I see that) One has gone

*먹다 (To eat) + -었네요 ☞ 먹었네요 = (Now I see that) One has eaten
(There is ‘ㅓ’ in 먹다 so do as in 었. That’s why 었 has to be used)

*만들다 (To make) + -었네요 ☞ 만들었네요 = (Now I see that) One has made

For 하다 verbs, you have to use 했
*공부하다(To study) + -했네요 ☞ 공부했네요 = (Now I see that) One has studied

◎ 2. (였/이었)네요 (formal), (였/이었)네 (informal)
- Past tense
- Combined with a noun

1)If a noun ends with a vowel, put -였네요, -였네
*고양이(cat) + -였네요 ☞ 고양이였네요 = (Now I see that) It was a cat

2)If a noun ends with a consonant, put -이었네요, -이었네
*선생님(teacher) + -였네요 ☞ 선생님이었네요 = (Now I see that) Someone was a teacher


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