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[Ultimate Korean Endings_04] "~데요" (I don't think it is...so..)

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● Action Verb
◎ (ㄴ/는)데요
- Present tense
- Combined with an Action Verb

1)When a verb ends with a vowel or a consonant, put - 는데요 after a verb stem
*가다 (To go) + 는데요 ☞ 가는데요 = One (will) go…so? (or and…?) (expecting a response)
*하다 (To do ) + 는데요 ☞ 하는데요 = One (will) do…

2)When a verb ends with ㄹ, take out of it and attach - 는데요
*팔다 (To sell) + 는데요 ☞ 파는데요 = One (will) sell…
*놀다(To play) + 는데요 ☞ 노는데요 = One (will) play…

● Descriptive Verb
◎ (ㄴ/은)데요
- Present tense
- Combined with a Descriptive Verb

1)When a verb ends with a vowel, put -ㄴ데요 after a verb stem.
*예쁘다 (To be pretty)+ 는데요 ☞ 예쁜데요 = One is pretty...(expecting a response)
*멋지다 (To be nice, cool) + 는데요 ☞ 멋진데요 = One is nice, cool...
*크다 (To be big) + 는데요 ☞ 큰데요 = One is big...

2)When a verb ends with a consonant, put -은데요
*많다 (To be plentiful, many) + 은데요 ☞ 많은데요 = Something is a lot (expecting a response)
*작다 (To be small) + 은데요 ☞ 작은데요 = Something is small…
*짧다 (To be short) + 은데요 ☞ 짧은데요 = Something is short…

When it comes to ㅂ irregular descriptive verbs, -운데요 has to be attached.
*아름답다 (To be beautiful) + 운데요 ☞ 아름다운데요 = One is beautiful…(expecting a response)
Just like this, take out of ㅂ and attach 운데요.

*시끄럽다 (To be loud) + 운데요 ☞ 시끄러운데요 = One is loud…
*귀엽다 (To be cute) + 운데요 ☞ 귀여운데요 = One is cute…

When it comes to an action verb that ends with ㅂ, that has nothing to do with this exception rule.
*잡다 (To catch) + 는데요 ☞ 잡는데요 = One (will) catch…

● Noun
◎ (ㄴ/인)데요
1)When a noun ends with a vowel, attach ㄴ데요
*저 (Me) + ㄴ데요 ☞ 전데요 = It’s me...(and..)
*엄마(Mom) + ㄴ데요 ☞ 엄만데요 = This is mother of someone…(and..)

2)When a noun ends with a consonant, attach 인데요
*선생님 (Teacher) + 인데요 ☞ 선생님인데요 = One is a teacher…


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