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My Little Kitchen S2 Ep7 마이 리틀 키친 시즌2 7회

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Pumpkin Rice with cheese
Hollow out a pumpkin, and fill it with fried rice made with vegetables, beef, and mushrooms. The sweet taste of the pumpkin is amplified by the melted cheese.
■ ingredients
1. main ingredients
1 pumkin, rice, 100g beef, 1 shitake mushroom, 50g pizza cheese
2. Minor Ingredients
1/2 paprika, 1/2 onion, 1/2 carrot, peas, corns, salt, soy sauce, pepper
■ Recipe
1. Wash and soak peas in cold water. Cover in plastic wrap, and microwave for three minutes.
2. Chop bell peppers, onions, and carrots. Slice the tops of shitake mushrooms.
3. Cut a lid into the top of a pumpkin, and scrape out the seeds with a spoon.
4. Oil a pan, and stir-fry chopped vegetables and mushrooms.
5. Before the vegetables are completely cooked, add peas and rice, and season with salt, soy sauce, and pepper. Stir-fry quickly, but stop before the ingredients are cooked.
6. Fill the hollow pumpkin with fried rice.
7. Sprinkle the rice with pizza cheese, close the lid, and steam in a big pot for five minutes.
8. Make bite-sized slices on the outside of the pumpkin, and spread outwards into a flower shape.
Chicken Puffs
Chicken is enjoyed all over the world, and in Korea it can be enjoyed in gangjeong, or fried puffs. The crispy, spicy dakgangjeong, or chicken puffs, is a snack for the whole family.
■ Ingredients
1. main ingredients
500g chicken, 1/2TS salt, 1TS rice alcohol, 60g peanuts, 30g flour, 160g frying oil
2. For crispy batter
240g flour, 1 egg, 360ml water
3. For seasoning
1TS red chili paste, 1TS soy sauce, 2TS tomato ketchup, 2TS 물엿, 80ml water
■ Recipe
1. Chop the chicken leg meat into bite-sized pieces. Marinate for 30 minutes in salt and cheongju (traditional Korean liquor) or white wine.
2. Crush the peanuts into chunks.
3. Make the coating with 2 cups of flour, egg, and water.
4. Lightly coat the chicken with 1/4 cup of flour. Dust off the extra flour, and dip into the coating. Deep-fry in oil heated to 170 degrees.
5. Remove excess oil by putting the fried chicken pieces on paper towels or a sieve.
6. Stir gochujang (red chili paste) and the seasoning ingredients in a pan over light heat, and simmer slowly.
7. Add the fried chicken, and mix well with the sauce. Add the chopped peanuts.
단호박의 속을 파낸 후 각종 채소와 소고기, 버섯을 밥과 함께 볶아 완성한다.
달콤한 단호박과 치즈의 풍미를 한꺼번에 느낄 수 있는 메뉴이다.
■ 재료
1. 주재료
단호박 1개 / 밥 한 공기 / 소고기100g / 표고버섯 1개 / 피자치즈 50g
파프리카 노랑, 빨강 각 1/2개 / 양파, 당근 각 반 개 / 완두콩 1줌 / 옥수수 1줌 / 소금, 간장, 후추
■ 조리과정
1. 완두콩은 깨끗하게 씻은 뒤 찬물에 담가 불린 뒤 랩에 씌워 전자레인지에서 3분가량 돌립니다.
2. 파프리카와 양파, 당근을 잘게 썰고 표고버섯은 윗부분만 얇게 채 썰어 준비합니다.
3. 단호박은 윗부분이 뚜껑이 되도록 도려내고 씨를 숟가락으로 모두 파내 주세요.
4. 프라이팬에 기름을 살짝 두르고 손질한 채소(야채 버섯)들을 모두 볶아줍니다.
5. 채소가 모두 익기 전에 소고기와 완두콩, 밥을 넣고 소금과 간장 후추로 알맞게 간을 맞춘 뒤
재료들이 다 익지 않게 다시 한 번 살짝만 볶아주세요.
6. 속을 완전히 파낸 단호박 안에 볶음밥을 가득 담습니다.
7. 그 위에 피자치즈를 뿌려 뚜껑을 닫은 뒤 큰 냄비에서 5분가량 쪄줍니다.
8. 전자레인지에서 단호박을 꺼낸 뒤 랩을 제거하고 칼집을 깊숙하게 낸 뒤 조각들을 펼치면 완성.
세계인들이 사랑하는 닭고기 요리 중 한식의 전통 방식인 ′강정′으로 조리한다
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